
Directory of Retirement Homes in Quebec

1 844 422-2555

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1 844 422-2555

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Types of private seniors' retirement homes

Assisted living Retirement Homes with care

Assisted living retirement homes are also called semi-autonomous residences or Assisted living residence refers to the provision of care services ... that allow residents to obtain light to medium supports in a retirement home before having to move to a nursing home or long term care home. Assisted living is often Independent suites combined with personal care services that may include assistance with activities of daily living, medication monitoring, and customized care services and support as required. This level of service is frequently offered in a separate wing, floor or designated area of the residence. That is they are cognitively capable and have the ability to make informed, voluntary decisions regarding their care needs and living arrangements or are living with a spouse/partner that is able to do so.

Retirement homes Private funded Long-Term Care facility

Private residential and long-term care centres bound by contract are managed by private companies in partnership with the public sector. ... The services offered in these care centres, as well as the admission and operation procedures, are very similar to those of public care centres. To be admitted, you have to contact your local CLSC (local community health centre). The financial contribution required from each resident is determined by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) and the resident’s ability to pay.

Retirement homes Alzheimer's memory care and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Retirement Homes offering memory care for seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or other mild cognitive impairment (MCI) provide a suitable living ... environment so that residents can continue living their lives with specialized supervision and guidance. Retirement homes for people with Alzheimer’s or other mild cognitive impairment (MCI) emphasize routine with a focus on making everyday activities easier for each one of the residents in their care. By creating a life routine that is consistent, those living with Alzheimer’s disease feel reassured. Retirement homes for people with Alzheimer’s disease or other mild cognitive losses give residents limited control over entry and exit from the residence, and the staff are trained to communicate and interact with people with Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive Impairment that cause confusion and disorientation.

Continuing care Retirement Homes

Continuing care Retirement Homes offers the availability and convenience of multiple levels of care options under one roof or in ... adjacent buildings so your changing needs can be met with minimal disruption. Continuum of care Retirement Homes traditionally includes Independent Supportive Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care within the retirement residence and/or adjacent to a Long Term Care or Nursing Home.

Retirement Homes for non-autonomous

Nursing Homes house seniors who can no longer live at home. A non-autonomous senior requires more than 3 hours of ... care per day. Generally, CHSLDs or evolving residences can accommodate this clientele.

Retirement homes Private seniors’ homes (RPA)

Private seniors’ homes (RPA). A private seniors' home is a multi-unit residential building intended primarily for use by persons 65 ... years of age and over. A variety of services in at least two of the following categories are offered: meal services, personal assistance services, nursing care, homemaker services, security services or recreational services. The cost of these services can be included in the rent or paid to the card.

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