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CHSLD Berthiaume-Du Tremblay

CHSLD Berthiaume-Du Tremblay

Located in Ahuntsic, the CHSLD Berthiaume-Du Tremblay is private funded long-term care facility. The CHSLD Berthiaume-Du Tremblay is a nursing home under agreement governed by the Act of health and social services as part of the accommodation establishments network in the Montreal region. The home is located at 1635 boul. Gouin Est, Ahuntsic. The CHSLD Berthiaume-Du Tremblay is a 10-storey building along Rivière des Prairies, where the view and the grounds are beautiful: sunsets, mature vegetation, pond, cave, swings, gardens, etc. The CHSLD welcomes 223 seniors, including 198 in permanent accommodation who require 3.0 hours/care and more, and 25 residents in a transition unit awaiting permanent accommodation in another facility.

Others retirement homes : Ahuntsic

10 229, avenue du Bois-de-Boulogne, Ahuntsic (Québec) H4N 2W4
Total units number : 97

Region : Montreal, Ahuntsic

Group : HS les Immeubles

850, boul. de la Côte-Vertu, Montréal (Québec) H4L 1Y4
Total units number : 172

Region : Montreal, Ahuntsic

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1 844 422-2555

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