Senior's Residences - Hull, Outaouais Chartwell résidences pour retraités

Chartwell Domaine Notre-Dame résidence pour retraités
Chartwell Domaine Notre-Dame résidence pour retraités
39, rue Amherst, Hull (Québec) J8Y 2W1Chartwell Domaine Notre-Dame résidence pour retraités
- Residence type : Private seniors’ homes (RPA)
- Total units number : 221
- Units (with care) : 149
- Units (autonomous) : 72
- Type of unit : 1 1/2 Studio 2 1/2
- Category : Independent Living Retirement Homes Convalescent Homes Intermediate Resources (IR) Alzheimer's memory care and Mild Cognitive Impairment Continuing care Retirement Homes Retirement Homes for non-autonomous Alzheimer and Dementia special care units Alzheimer and Dementia Homes with coded door system Private seniors’ homes (RPA) Category 3
- Region : Outaouais, Hull
- Group : Chartwell résidences pour retraités
Chartwell Domaine Notre-Dame résidence pour retraités senior’s residence is located in Gatineau in the Outaouais region. This residence has a wide variety of activities that combine an urban lifestyle and nature. The Domaine Notre-Dame residence was completely renovated and has apartments that are both comfortable and bright. The Domaine Notre-Dame residence accommodates seniors that area autonomous and semi-autonomous as well as those who require long-term care. This residence offers care services that are designed to help residents manage their needs in a comfortable and private setting.
- Outdoor courtyard with swings
Building information
- Air conditioning
- Elevator(s)
- Fire alarm system
- Generator
- Reinforced concrete construction
- Smoke detectors
- Sprinklers
- Wheelchair accessible
- Wheelchair Ramp
Common areas
- Backyard
- Chapel
- Dining hall
- Library
- Lounge (fireplace, television, arm chairs, etc.)
- Prayer room
- Recreation room
- Terrace
Housing unit information
- Air conditioning
- Emergency alert system : Medical alert system or panic button
- Private bathroom
- Sprinklers
Residence services
- Housekeeping services
Stores inside the residence
- Café-Bistro
- Hair salon
Personal assistance
Medical staff
- Client care attendant
- Nursing assistant
Personal care services
- Assistance getting dressed
- Assistance putting on/taking off compression socks
- Assistance with bathing
- Assistance with transportation
- Bed linen
- Feeding Assistance
- Glucose management
- Medication management
- Partial grooming
- Transfer assistance 1 person
- Activities and outings
- Dining room with table service
Staff at your service
- Housekeeping attendant
- Recreologist or recreation technician
Certification :
Location : Chartwell Domaine Notre-Dame résidence pour retraités
Total units number : 151
Total units number : 9