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1 parkinson's Assisted Living Retirement Homes in Ste-Rose, Laval

Parkinson's Assisted Living Retirement Homes. RPAs that provide care to people with Parkinson's disease who suffer from symptoms of tremors, loss of balance and stiffness of the Parkinson's muscles have adapted equipment that helps maintain the person's autonomy. Equipment such as the shower bench, the grab bar, the commode chair, the toilet grab bar; helps prevent falls. The walker makes it easier to get around and also prevents falls.
Villa Ste-Rose
The Villa Ste-Rose is a residence specializing in the care of seniors who are experiencing advanced loss of autonomy, both in terms of motor skill loss and neurocognitive disorders. Villa Ste-Rose is a family-owned business, with a human dimension and the warmest of approaches. The large family of V...
Total units number : 64

Region : Laval , Ste-Rose

A qualified residence advisor can help you in your search for Parkinson's Assisted Living Retirement Homes in Ste-Rose, Laval .

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