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2 nursing Homes in St-Hyacinthe, Montérégie, South Shore

Average cost
$3 200
Nursing Homes house seniors who can no longer live at home. A non-autonomous senior requires more than 3 hours of care per day. Generally, CHSLDs or evolving residences can accommodate this clientele.
Résidence L'Eau Vive
The L'Eau Vive seniors' residence is located in Saint-Hyacinthe in Montérégie along Highway 20 (exit 133), near the Honoré-Mercier Hospital and very close to the Saint-Hyacinthe Galleries. L'Eau Vive offers 439 apartments, ranging from 1 ½ to 5 ½, which meet different needs. Some services are inc...
Total units number : 419
Group : Le Groupe Robin
Résidence Saint-Hyacinthe
Résidence Saint-Hyacinthe is a private residence that can accommodate autonomous or semi-autonomous seniors with physical and/or cognitive losses in Saint-Hyacinthe in Montérégie. The Résidence Saint-Hyacinthe offers several leisure activities and provides health care to its residents. Résidence Sai...
Total units number : 59
A qualified residence advisor can help you in your search for Nursing Homes in St-Hyacinthe, Montérégie, South Shore .

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