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Member of L'ACHQ - Code of ethics2 Retirement homes for seniors in Cap-Santé, Portneuf
Average cost Based on data compiled by Residences Quebec and the total of lease with services, signed during 2024 $ 1 367
Private nursing homes are residential buildings in which management possesses certification from the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Private residences must comply with the certification of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. A private seniors' residence must obtain a certificate of compliance in order to provide activities for its clientele.
18, rue Martel, Cap-Santé (Québec) G0A 1L0
Résidence Les Fées du Mieux-Être in Cap-Santé, Portneuf.
Total units number : 14
348, route 138, Cap-Santé (Québec) G0A 1L0
Manoir Cap Santé in Cap Santé, Portneuf.
Total units number : 50