1 844 422-2555

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1 Retirement homes Seniors' Apartments in Mirabel en Haut, Laurentides

Seniors' Apartments for retirees are independent suites for seniors with the availability of meals, laundry and general services, but without personal care services. Independent retirement living combines socialization, safety and security under one roof.

10540, Rue du Cerf, Mirabel, QC J7N 3X5
Le Havre du Cerf is located in Mirabel-en-Haut, in the Laurentians,...
Total units number : 120

Group : Gestion 2dev

A qualified residence advisor can help you in your search for Seniors' Apartments in Mirabel en Haut, Laurentides .

Need help? Contact a Residence Advisor

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1 844 422-2555

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