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4 assisted living Retirement Homes with care in Ste-Julie, Montérégie, South Shore

Average cost Based on data compiled by Residences Quebec and the total of lease with services, signed during 2024
$2 611
Assisted living retirement homes are also called semi-autonomous residences or Assisted living residence refers to the provision of care services that allow residents to obtain light to medium supports in a retirement home before having to move to a nursing home or long term care home. Assisted living is often Independent suites combined with personal care services that may include assistance with activities of daily living, medication monitoring, and customized care services and support as required. This level of service is frequently offered in a separate wing, floor or designated area of the residence. That is they are cognitively capab...
Résidence La Rosière
La Rosière is an evolving residence for autonomous and semi-autonomous people, as well as elderly people with loss of cognitive autonomy/Alzheimer's. located in Sainte-Julie, at the foot of Mont Saint-Bruno, and has more than 64 accommodation units (rooms and studios)....
Total units number : 64
Les Résidences Soleil Manoir Sainte-Julie
Located in Sainte-Julie, on the South Shore, the Manoir Sainte-Julie is a private residence for autonomous and semi-autonomous seniors. The Manoir Sainte-Julie can accommodate seniors for a short-term stay or convalescent stay. This residence offers a quality of life where wellbeing and safety are t...
Total units number : 498
Résidence St-Louis
The Résidence St-Louis is located in the heart of Sainte-Julie, on the South Shore, just a few minutes from the HSSC, church, restaurants, markets, post office, banks, dental clinic and library. The St-Louis retirement home is a 3-floor building that can accommodate 118 autonomous and semi-autonomou...
Total units number : 118
Résidence Vast
The Résidence Vast opened its doors in November 2020. This residence is located in Sainte-Julie, close to shops and in a natural setting. The Vast retirement home is designed for autonomous and semi-autonomous seniors. Vast offers apartments ranging from studios to 5 1/2 as well as special care unit...
Total units number : 378
A qualified residence advisor can help you in your search for Assisted living Retirement Homes with care in Ste-Julie, Montérégie, South Shore .

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