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2 nursing Homes in Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montreal

Average cost Based on data compiled by Residences Quebec and the total of lease with services, signed during 2024
$4 975
Nursing Homes house seniors who can no longer live at home. A non-autonomous senior requires more than 3 hours of care per day. Generally, CHSLDs or evolving residences can accommodate this clientele.
Héritage Plateau
Located in Plateau Mont-Royal, Résidence Héritage Plateau is a retirement home that provides comprehensive care, both short- and long-term, as well as palliative and end of life care. Across from the big Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church, Résidence Héritage Plateau offers a unique lifestyle in the Plateau ...
Total units number : 120
CHSLD St-Georges
Long Term Care Homes (LTCH)
The CHSLD St-Georges is a private funded long term facility located in the Plateau Mont-Royal. The CHSLD St-Georges offers long-term care for semi-autonomous seniors. CHSLD St-Georges can house 260 residents. It accommodates semi-autonomous clientele with physical health problems, cognitive deficien...
Total units number : 260
A qualified residence advisor can help you in your search for Nursing Homes in Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montreal .

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