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1 Intermediate Resources (IR) in St-Jérôme, Laurentides

Average cost
$2 423
Intermediate resource (IR): for the elderly, seniors and retirees in Quebec. An intermediate resource (IR) is a private company, for-profit or not-for-profit, affiliated to a public health institution that is responsible for the quality of services and care provided. Intermediate resources welcome semi-autonomous seniors, with mild to moderate loss of autonomy, referred by an institution of the public health and social services network. Intermediate resources offer housing, support and assistance services, and provide up to 3 hours of care per day.
Manoir Les Retrouvailles de Saint-Jérôme
The Manoir Les Retrouvailles of Saint-Jérôme is located in the Laurentians. The residence is certified by the Health and Social Services Agency. The Manoir Les Retrouvailles of Saint-Jérôme welcomes senior`s  who are autonomous or losing autonomy, and has a care unit and a floor reserved for...
Total units number : 108
A qualified residence advisor can help you in your search for Intermediate Resources (IR) in Laurentides .

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