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5 Retirement homes for seniors in Fleurimont, Estrie

Average cost Based on data compiled by Residences Quebec and the total of lease with services, signed during 2024 $  1 999

Retirement homes are rental facilities occupied mainly by people aged 65 or over. Various services are offered in Private Retirement Homes, such as: nursing care, meal services, housekeeping services and recreational services. In Québec, the designation Private Retirement Homes is reserved for Retirement Homes holding a certificate of compliance issued by the Government.

Long Term Care Homes (LTCH)
3230, 12e Avenue Nord, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1H 5H3
CHSLD Vigi Shermont in Fleurimont, Estrie.
Total units number : 0

Region : Estrie, Fleurimont

1525, rue du Conseil, Fleurimont (Québec) J1G 1N5
The Résidence La Cité Fleurie is a charming residence located in Fleurimont in Estrie. This residenc...
Total units number : 66

Region : Estrie, Fleurimont

Long Term Care Homes (LTCH)
60, Jean-Maurice, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1G 1V5
The Champlain-de-la-Rose-Blanche long-term care facility is located near rue King and downtown Sherb...
Total units number : 59

Region : Estrie, Fleurimont

Group : Groupe Champlain

1341 King Est, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1G 1E8
Le Renaissance Fleurimont is a modern, stylish residence for those who want to enjoy an active retir...
Total units number : 215

Region : Estrie, Fleurimont

A qualified residence advisor can help you in your search for Retirement Homes in Estrie .

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Member of L'ACHQ - Code of ethics
1 844 422-2555

Your information is confidential and is only used to determine your needs.

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