1 844 422-2555

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CHSLD Vigi Notre-Dame de Lourdes

Vigi Santé is a family business that has been working in the field of housing services for the elderly for 30 years. Thanks to the numerous efforts made to guarantee the provision of quality care and services, Vigi Santé is now a leader in the field of geriatrics in Quebec. Vigi Santé is the owner and administrator of 15 residential and long-term care centers (CHSLD), including CHSLD Vigi Notre-Dame de Lourdes.

Others retirement homes : CHSLD Vigi Santé

Long Term Care Homes (LTCH)
3230, 12e Avenue Nord, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1H 5H3
Total units number : 0

Region : Estrie, Fleurimont

Long Term Care Homes (LTCH)
2042, boul. Marie, Saint-Hubert (Québec) J4T 2B4
Total units number : 90
See more retirement homes

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1 844 422-2555

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