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Société Alzheimer - Hébergement

Société Alzheimer - Hébergement

1040, avenue Belvédère, Bureau 201, Québec (Québec) G1S 3G3

Société Alzheimer (Hébergement). 4 Alzheimer Societies in Quebec are accredited to offer in addition to basic services, accommodation based on a person-centered approach.

Total retirement homes Société Alzheimer - Hébergement : 3

2525, boul. René-Laënnec, Laval (Québec) H7K 0B2
La Société Alzheimer Laval, through the Maison Francesco Bellini, offers permanent or temporary accommodation for elderly people who are in the early to moderate stages of Alzheimer's disease and who live in Laval. The request for accommodation must be sent to the Centre for Health and Social Servic...
Total units number : 12

Region : Laval, Vimont

880, rue Côté, Drummondville (Québec) J2C 4Z7
The Myosotis House is a non-profit organization located in Drummondville, in the Centre-du-Québec region. It offers permanent accommodation rooms for 13 people with Alzheimer's disease. Our living environment is focused on daily stimulation for residents to help maintain their autonomy.
Total units number : 13

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