Preventing falls using the STAND UP! Program

It’s not uncommon for the child of a parent who suffered a fall to contact a Résidences Québec housing counsellor to find accommodations they feel would be better suited to a senior. In fact, falls are – too often – the trigger that sends seniors to private residences prematurely. This unfortunate accident can have long-term effects on the body of an elder and can sometimes even be fatal. The damage caused to the body after a fall is worse as a person ages. Thankfully, there are different ways to reduce the risk of falls among seniors.

30 % of seniors fall once a year

Both in private residences and at home, falls represent a significant risk of serious injury among seniors.

Motor skills (walking or balancing), medications and unsuitable home environments (stairs, loose carpeting, lack of handrails, ceramic bathroom tiles) are the main causes of falls.

This program was created to address issues relating to an aging population and an increase in health issues, including falls.

The STAND UP! fall prevention program for seniors

The STAND UP! fall prevention program was created with the purpose of increasing autonomy and raising healthy life expectancy as well as delaying the housing of seniors in residences for as long as possible. This free program is offered in all of Quebec for those 65 years of age and older.

The STAND UP! program includes:

  • An intensive 12-week program
  • Group exercises performed twice per week
  • Information sessions on safe behaviour and home adjustments that are appropriate for seniors
  • Exercise routines that are easy to do at home
  • A program leader that is trained and qualified

Tools for prevention

Besides the prevention programs, regular consultation with healthcare providers can help you stay fit.

According to a study conducted by l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec, certain measures that were taken to reduce the number of falls among seniors proved to be effective.

  • Exercise programs that strengthen muscles and improve balance reduce the number of falls by 13%.
  • For seniors living at home, making adjustments in the home can reduce the risk of falls by 20%. For example, installing grab bars and a non-slip mat in the bathroom.
  • Medication plays an important role in the risk of falls. It is suggested to take a vitamin and calcium supplement as well as verifying whether a medication has side effects that could interfere with falls.

Sources: Institut national de santé publique
Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

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844 422-2555

* Our residence advisors are paid by the network of private residences in Quebec certified by the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

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